A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Getting Past Our Projections

I tilt at windmills. Do I know this is silly?Yes. Does it stop me? No.

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've learned a lot from you, Dmitri. Does this mean I won't tilt at any more windmills? No. If astrology seems like witch doctory to you, ignore the rest of this sentence, but as a Taurus I will see red. Especially if I think I see injustice.

Have you ignored that? Good.

I like to write characters with views that are not my own. So, I agree with the thrust of your essay. A likable mass murderer? His name is Dexter. At one time he was Darkly Dreaming Dexter, and now he's a recognizable title character for a TV series or three.

I'm trying to be a little more like a Zen figure. I know I will never get very far into this, but all indications are that succeeding even a little bit will make me a better person -- or bull, if you follow that logic. smiley - blush

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I tilt at windmills. Do I know this is silly?Yes. Does it stop me? No.

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