A Conversation for Autumn River

Yu're lucky to live near a beautiful river like that

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The Clarion seems to be a little bigger than the Charles (which is near me), but I live just downstream from the Mother Brook outlet, which drains some water from it.

Waterways are precious. The Clarion was voted river of the year for 2019. This reflects some hard work that was done to help it. In the area where I grew up, we had the Nashua River which used to be various unnatural colors depending on which stuff the paper and plastic mills were dumping into it smiley - ill.

Reducing pollutants sometimes costs an obscene amount of money (witness the billions spent in separating rain runoff from sewage), but our beaches are much cleaner where this money has been spent. Alas, that leaves out a lot of beaches that are worse, if anything. smiley - sadface

Yu're lucky to live near a beautiful river like that

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I know what you mean. The good news is that the land can heal itself if it's allowed. The history of this river system shows that.

They've had the logging boom. And the oil boom, fortunately brief. And various industries. But you're right: the river deserves its title. It's beautiful now (again). smiley - smiley The smiley - fish are happy. The people are indeed lucky to have such beauty. I keep making videos because I've lived in a lot of places that were less good to look at.

Where I took that photo is the public boat landing. It's a quiet area, but on nice weekends you can see boats.


Yu're lucky to live near a beautiful river like that

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

That just went to the top of my list of favorite youtube videos smiley - ok

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