A Conversation for Buses, Beer, and Walks Weekend
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bald Bloke Started conversation Nov 24, 2019
I was over for the Beer and Buses Weekend as well ( and all the week running up to it). I was staying in Shanklin.
Because I was over for the Week I took up a Seven day rover ticket from Southern Vectis, (Only £25 which is a bargin, this covered my travels during the week and provided a backup at the weekend when the free buses were full. Souhern Vectis also offer a four day ticket over the beer and buses weekend for £15 covering the Friday to the Monday, their normal one day rover ticket is £10 so thats very much a bargin if you are over for the weekend as you get the service buses back after the B&B buses have finished for the day).
During the week I had been out to:
The West Wight visiting the Needles Batteries and of course dropping into the Highdown and the Waterfront in Totland.
Had a days out in Cowes, Newport, Ryde, Bembridge and of course a trip out on the steam railway.
On the Saturday I went off on the routes out of Newport calling in at Calbourne water mill and then on round to Shorewell Finishing in the Waverly at Carisbrooke with live music before getting the bus back, there was a large queue for the last of the B&B Buses so I caught service buses back to Newport then onto Shanklin.
After eating at the Waterfront, I wandered along the seawall to Sandown where I just made it to Boojum and Snark before they closed (9pm), Then on to the Castle for a couple, bus back Shanklin to finish the day in King Harry's bar.
Sunday, off to Ventnor on the early service bus, then after a coffee (it was a bit early to start even by my standards) on to the Buddle then into Niton. Into Joe's Bar, meeting up with some friends from SW London who had been staying over in Freshwater / Totland, they were heading for the Buddle so we agreed to meet later at the Rugby Club.
Over the road to the White Lion, then bus onto the White Horse at Whitwell, only time for a swift one in there as a Bus appeared outside and it was off to Ventnor Rugby Club for a Pie and a pint before my friends got there.
bit of a wait for the next bus into Ventnor, but then onto the Volunteer followed by the Wintergardens. One of the party had to get back to the mainland for work and another back to Totland, So Service bus to Sandown and into the Castle, No time for any more as the Last bus from Sandown which connects with the Totland sevice at Newport was due, So we split up and I went back to Shanklin finishing up in the Waterfront and the Steamer.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bluebottle Posted Nov 25, 2019
Ah yes – seems like we weren't far from each other at all – we certainly seem to have had a fair few pubs in common over the weekend. Did you get soaked and will you be coming back again for the event again? Were you staying in the Old Village end of Shanklin if you finished at the King Harry?
I last went to the Highdown for last year's &
- the trouble with West Wight being it isn't the easiest place to get back from. I almost got trapped in Chale earlier this year, not realising what time the last
back was; that was a real case of 'Go To Chale – Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect
I've not been to the Waverley at the top of the hill for ages – we normally head to the Eight Bells for the huge beer garden when in Carisbrooke, it involves less mountaineering. What did you think of the Boojum? Sounds like you were there after I'd left and did the same route to the Castle. Were you in the front bar of the Castle? We headed out to the back, but it was packed when we went.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bald Bloke Posted Nov 25, 2019
I didn't make it to the first B&B weeend but I've to them all since, it has evolved from a weekend away to a full week now.
The hotel I use is the Clifton at the top of the cliff near the Chine Inn.
My waterproofs got tested but held out
I always visit the Highdown when I'm over as I used to camp on stoats farm, opposite, for many years.
As for bus times that was nearly us on Sunday, in the Castle and realising the last bus for my friend to get back to Totland was in 5 minutes, (A swift finishing of pints and round to the stop).
I found the beer in the Waverly to be better than the Eight bells this year, I normally go in both over the weekend, the Waverly also won by having a bigger range and some interesting singers on. (mostly Folk).
We could easily have passed each other in the Castle on Saturday as it was rammed and I was out the back as well.
I wandered past Boojum earlier in the week, they were in rapid building / decorating mode to get open,I only just made it in there on Saturday night before they called time, but got two pints in and had a chat with a couple of people involved with setting it up.
Their new brewing kit was stuck in a container at Rotterdam, They have bought a semi automated kit from the States. but they had done at least one cuckoo brew, which had sold out earlier, they did tell me where it was brewed but I've forgotten.
Have to keep an eye open for each other next year.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bluebottle Posted Nov 26, 2019
Did you go in the Chine Inn? I noticed that it wasn't in the book this year, and they do have a habit of irregular opening hours at times, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't an out-of-the-way place to get to. Although if you were down at the Steamer then it isn't too bad or too far to go – just up!
I was impressed with the Boojum just for being open! Can't blame 'm for doing a spot of Cuckoo brewing while they get themselves set up, I'm intrigued to see how they get on and develop over next year or two.
I usually don't know where I'll be too much in advance for the & weekend as it is very spontaneous in that we generally jump on a bus that turns up that has room, and if the bus doesn't have room on board we stay in the pub we're in. We do end up back in Sandown on the Saturday, though, usually the Castle's back bar. So yes, I'll look out for you!
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bald Bloke Posted Nov 26, 2019
I'm not sure what's going on with the Chine, It was open some of the time over the weekend. I got a swift half in there walking back up the hill, but it's opening hours are a mystery even to the locals apparently.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bald Bloke Posted Nov 26, 2019
My plans for the weekend are also flexible, Just see how it goes.
I normally try and visit places with either no regular bus service or a very infrequent one, but that does depend on the weather, I chose not to go up to the Culver Haven as the weather looked crap.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bluebottle Posted Nov 26, 2019
Yep, the Culver Haven is beautifully scenic on a sunny day, but a tad windy and exposed on other days. I last went up there the year they stopped the really old going up as they'd had at least one break down – the cattle grids when sitting over the rear wheels are definitely an experience…
And again, a potentially popular destination that is difficult to get away from if the is full.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bluebottle Posted Dec 9, 2019
Have you seen they've announced the results of the Best Pub 2019:
The Castle won again – with the Top Ten, in descending order:
The Castle, Sandown
The Buddle Inn, Niton
The Old Village Inn, Bembridge
Porchfield Cricket Club, Porchfield
The Volunteer, Ventnor
The Railway Inn, Ryde
The White Lion, Niton
The Solent Inn, Ryde
The Highdown Inn, Totland
The Sportsman’s Rest, Porchfield
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bald Bloke Posted Dec 9, 2019
A well deserved win in my view,
To be fair most of the pubs put effort in, and some very good ones probably didn't see the number of visitors to get high up the rankings.
Probably passed you on the way round but missed
Bluebottle Posted Dec 9, 2019
I agree – there's always a good atmosphere and great range at the Castle, and I do enjoy the other pubs on the list too (not actually been in Porchfield Cricket Club, though).
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Probably passed you on the way round but missed
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