The h2g2 Post: 09.12.19

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 9th December 2019

Places to Go, Things to See

Light Snow by Dmitri Gheorgheni That was our first snow, a few weeks ago. Since then, the weather has been up and down. Mostly down. We've had sun, rain, snow, freezing rain, fifty-mile-an-hour wind gusts, and fog. In other words, typical late fall/early winter Pennsylvania mélange. The organ responds to this: when I was practising early last week, it sounded distinctly cranky. Okay: a whole set of stops couldn't be used due to loud whistling, and one of the volume pedals couldn't go all the way down because there was a stuck pipe. But after the temperature dropped and the freezing rain started on Sunday morning, it cheered up and played beautifully. That is one contrary instrument.

What's the weather like where you are? Hot, cold, wet, turbulent? What are you doing? We're not just asking. We really want to know. We want pics! We also want stories. And jokes. Videos. Whatever you've got. You see, we're really, really interested in your take on your corner of Planet Earth. We don't want your data: we want your observations. With that in mind, here's what we've found this week:
Sleeping Cat by Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • A world of plants as the veld comes to life in the rainy season. Let Willem take you on a tour.
  • Fun and play from Russia to Scotland to North America. There's a funny house. And a beach where no beach should be. And a cat usurping the Editorial chair… Go exploring in here.
  • Arty Stuff. Photos in colour. Photos in snooty black-and-white. The dog photo is especially snooty in black and white. Appreciate, you philistines.
  • Awix says, 'I seem to be in unusually vitriolic mood this week, it must be the onset of Christmas.' I didn't ask him whether the repeated use of the editorially-banned word was due to vitriol or the fact that he doesn't read editorials...
  • Stories! We have fiction. We have comics. We have one-panel cartoons those high-priced magazines would kill for. Enjoy.
  • Music. Turn your sound on and listen. Remember: I do not hit wrong notes. I make spontaneous creative decisions.

Remember: the h2g2 Post and a cup of cocoa will help you beat the winter blues. Put up your feet and take a break from the holiday shopping. Have a great week!

Quote of the Week:  Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.

Fred Rogers
May we add that we are all children of the universe?


Create November 2019 by Freewayriding
December Create Challenge:
Great Expectations
And Massive Let-Downs
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Dmitri Gheorgheni






by Paige.

  • Video
  • Nature's joke, winter.


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