A Conversation for Colours of Wildlife: Little Egret
Little Egret
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Jul 15, 2019
Thanks for this - very interesting to learn more about these lovely birds, especially about the powder down and how they keep themselves clean.
I'm very lucky to live near a little egret colony in the UK A87875987 Always a treat to see the graceful birds hunting for food, or hearing them gurgling in the trees.
Little Egret
Willem Posted Jul 15, 2019
Hello! I'm happy you appreciate it!
I've read that entry, sounds like a wonderful place. We've a bird sanctuary over here also, but the authorities have really let it go to seed … still, there remain some birds. I'll see about getting there again sometime to see how it looks now.
Little Egret
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jul 15, 2019
Yes, we're very lucky that the reserve is well managed - it does take a lot of effort to keep the habitat good for a variety of birds, rather than turning into a 'monoculture'...
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Little Egret
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