A Conversation for Stairs

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 21


Mind your head is very sage advice.

Ha! Your dim den has just jumped out to taunt me....that sign has mystical powers I'm sure...

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 22


The FWR version. Whisper. There's another version of these stairs. Whisper.

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 23


Whispering back in purple! smiley - biggrin

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 24

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Same stairs but going up?

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 25

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The stairs are staying where thy u, but people might go up or down (or up and down at the same time, if they're quantum people smiley - winkeye).

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 26


Kind of like an Escher staircase

Or a mobius strip

smiley - redwine

I see flowers, purple flowers. I drink from an otherworldy pool, the water is an elixir. It makes me say things like mobius strip and I feel briefly enlightened.

What? Where?

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 27


Do not, repeat do not , drink from that pool, that's where we released Very Old Fish into the wild!smiley - wahsmiley - orangefish

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 28

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 29


I tell that tale to my grandson, so it may be suitable for a future create!smiley - simpost

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 30

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Also, don't eat the yellow snow.
That's where the huskies go.

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 31


smiley - fishsmiley - fish
You mean...


Tasted fine to me...


Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 32


smiley - rofl oh paul...

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 33


And picnic not on the grassy mound
For you place your cup on the bones of a..

No! No! Mound rhymes with hound. This is too dark. I blame you boys with your ancient fish and your yellow snow.

I'm going to go away and be a nice old lady.

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 34


Very Old Fish is a sickeningly sweet tale, I actually got to draw something....on paper even! smiley - artistsmiley - thepostsmiley - biro

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 35

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

When I was a teenager and we lived in Pittsburgh, we would go down to Tennessee in the summer to visit my grandparents on their farm in the mountains. There was an annual occasion known as 'Homecoming'. It had nothing to do with football or beauty queens.

It was when the families to whom a certain cemetery belonged got together. In the old days, that was when they tended the grounds, taking a day off farm work to mow the grass, pull weeds, plant flowers, etc. But in the 60s, they hired people to do it, and it didn't take half a day to get there since they now owned automobiles. smiley - winkeye

But they still had the religious service and a covered dish luncheon. We kids were allowed to sit on the gravestones with our plates of fried chicken. But only the old gravestones that looked like this:


We didn't think the ancestors would mind their great-great-great-grandkids sitting there. smiley - winkeye

For some strange reason, my friends in Pennsylvania found this very weird. smiley - laugh

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 36

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

PS The Tale of the Very Old Fish will be featured in the 29 July issue of smiley - thepost, and it's worth waiting for. smiley - fishsmiley - biggrin

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 37


Fried chicken and gravey! Sure private Broom didn't mind at all.

Comments: Stairs (Cactuscafe)

Post 38

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I am sorry to have disturbed Cactuscafe. My inner child likes to act up at times, until I lock it back up in the attic.....smiley - evilgrin

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