The h2g2 Post: 22.07.19

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 22nd July 2019

Moonlight Becomes Us

TJ Peeking from Behind the Computer by Dmitri Gheorgheni Peek-a-boo, says TJ. Usually right before he reaches out a paw from behind the computer screen. Preparing the h2g2 Post is an adventure – not just because of random acts of kitty violence, but because the variety of excellent contributions makes the Editorial head swirl with fun ideas. Excitement, adventure, really wild things. That's what we've got for you this week, as usual.

The black-and-white challenge continues unabated. The deal is: you send in your black-and-white photos. FWR and bobstafford start off the comments, everybody joins in, and before you know it, you're talking about the weather on Mars. Er, well, and photography, naturally. It gets in there somewhere.

Somebody wanted to know what the 'deadlines' were. Ha, ha. The first rule of Post Challenge is that there are no deadlines. We'll just keep going till everybody gets tired. The second rule is, you always talk about Post Challenge. Also, send your photos to postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com. And just in case: the '-at-' stands for '@' and the '-dot-' stands for '.', and if you want to know why we write it like this online, just ask.

See the photo on the left? I took it the other night. I sent it to FWR. He said, 'William Peter Blatty would have been proud of you.' William Peter Blatty wrote The Exorcist. I didn't know my neighbourhood was that spooky. So then he sent me this photo what he took. It's in the middle.

Moon by DGMoon by FWREclipse in Progress by Milla

I wrote back, 'I hate you.'

On Tuesday night, Milla kept running out to take pictures of the eclipse in her neck of the woods (see photo on the right, above). I was mad because the internet said, 'Eclipse not visible in Pittsburgh,' while Prof Animal Chaos complained of cloud cover over Yorkshire. I said, no problem, Milla's got us covered. He retorted, 'They have a moon in Sweden, too?' Milla replied, 'Bop him on the head for me.' h2g2 Researchers: the weirdest meteorologists on the planet. Observatories got nothin' on us.

So what else do we have in this week's issue of the h2g2 Post? Let's take a look.
  • Brain teasers, cinema recommendations (or not: read the review)

    , writing advice, opportunities to add snark.
  • Another beautiful bird from Willem.
  • Poetry, such as it is. Mad signs. A music video. Philosophy.
  • Jokes, jokes, jokes.
  • More adventures with demons, dinosaurs, and office workers.

Lots to see and do. Lots to discuss and share. Do all that, please. Send more Stuff! This has been a very productive summer so far, and we're grateful. We hope St Swithin's Day was good to you, and you're enjoying a long run of nice weather. Get out in it. For those not in the UK, remember the sunscreen. And have a great week!
TJ in the Sun by DG
Like cats, the sun
comes out eventually.

Bonus Video: This week's bonus nature video involves the showy firefly (click here, Ripley users). It's been humid around the Post Office: just the way they like it.

Create July 2019 by Freewayriding
July Create Challenge:
You Have a History

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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