A Conversation for h2g2 Meet Fun

And petunias

Post 1


Yes! Nice looking beer! There was cider also. smiley - cidersmiley - cider And petunias. smiley - petunias Crocheted ones. I know this, I found one in my jacket pocket on return. Crafted by your fair hand, dear artiste.

I didn't know that everyone was tweeting, posting and skyping. smiley - rofl. Now I wish I'd tweeted posted and skyped, to be interesting like you fine people. heheh. Ah well, lovely to meet you all anyway! smiley - kiss

cc smiley - cider

And petunias

Post 2

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

That looks like it must have been good.

There was lots of tweeting where I was, hanging off an Italian mountain with my family (on purpose, that is). Mostly of the aviary/analog kind, though.

Did anyone find the hidden sperm whale?

And petunias

Post 3


Always good to hang off an Italian mountain with one's family, listening to analog tweeting. The feathered kind. smiley - rofl Invigorating. Refreshing to the soul.

Ah, the hidden sperm whale.

Well, about that, who am I to reveal Meet Secrets?


And petunias

Post 4

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Must have been those odd appetiser cubes...

And petunias

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

And petunias indeed - a great souvenir of the event!

Glad you were all hanging off the mountain on purpose, Caiman smiley - ok

I scheduled my Meet tweeting and posting the day before, so I could concentrate on the in-person interactions smiley - laugh I'm glad you concentrated on the in-person interactions, too, cc - it was a pleasure to get to know your 3D interestingness smiley - magic

And petunias

Post 6


I like it that you think I have 3D interestingness, SashaQ. I will remember this on those days when I feel one dimensional and boring. smiley - kiss

(Goes all blushy and coy about the compliment. smiley - loveblush)

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