A Conversation for 'Pathfinders' - the Pioneering Science-Fiction Television Series

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87936583 - 'Pathfinders' - the Science-Fiction Television Series

Post 1


Entry: 'Pathfinders' - the Science-Fiction Television Series - A87936583
Author: Bluebottle - U43530

smiley - rocket

I started writing this entry (the Word file) back on 8th‎ August, ‎2016 and it is finally ready to enter the Edited Guide Writing Workshop.smiley - wow


A87936583 - 'Pathfinders' - the Science-Fiction Television Series

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - wowsmiley - ok

Very interesting, but there's a lot going on for one Entry... Fascinating to learn about the birth of Children's Television smiley - ok

A87936583 - 'Pathfinders' - the Science-Fiction Television Series

Post 3


I like context 'cos nothing exists in isolation, what can I say?smiley - silly


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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87936583 - 'Pathfinders' - the Science-Fiction Television Series

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