A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Evil Revisited
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Started conversation Oct 29, 2018
I agree there are some truly terrible things happening in the world, all kinds of atrocities caused and committed by humans without morals, compassion or guilt.
However, they are still humans to which we can attribute human characteristics, cowards, zealots, sadists, mentally unstable, easily led, groomed or radicalised.
My original point was that sometimes there is a total absence of one shred of humanity in truly evil people, nothing redeeming, no hope of rehabilitation or repentance, just a monster in a human shell.
These creatures, in my humble opinion, are beastial, animals driven by urges we simply cannot fathom. These creatures do not run countries, fight wars or make policy, they live and feed in the underbellies of the world, most of us will thankfully never encounter them, but they exist, and they are evil.
Evil or inhuman?
Paigetheoracle Posted Oct 29, 2018
People who see nothing wrong with killing others, be they other people or life forms, are bestial yes. They have no insight with regards to others as having rights or even existence outside their minds; the huntress that shot animals that couldn't fight back, in Scotland recently - what courage does that take? Do we stir up hatred as Trump did, to gain power, leading to the pipe bomber incident or do we try to calm people down and accept responsibility for their lives and actions? At the base is are we sophisticated beings with consciences and conscious awareness or mindless monsters with no control or thought over our actions?
Evil or inhuman?
minorvogonpoet Posted Oct 29, 2018
Did you hear the story of the doctor who studied psycopaths? These were dangerous prisoners. Having tested them all, he came to the conclusion that they shared a 'psycopathology' gene. Then he tested himself and found he had the gene! He went back and looked at the family background and found the psycopaths had abusive or dysfunctional families, while he had a supportive one.
I have a feeling that, if you looked at the upbringing of these 'monsters' you would find a combination of genetic make up and bad upbringing.
All this makes me think we need to give more support to young mothers and families in difficult circumstances, whether they are poor families in inner cities or refugees from war zones.
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Posted Oct 29, 2018
Some monsters are from decent families, decent upbringing. That research doesn’t fly. I’m not talking about the so called underprivileged who get themselves into trouble, I’m talking actual evil beings no matter what liberal views you impose.
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Posted Oct 29, 2018
I think that sums up our difference of opinion, decent folks will always look for a cause, a reason that they can understand to explain ‘evil’.
It is totally against decent thinking to accept that these monsters have no values that are anything like our own.
Once you actually physically meet one of these creatures your point of view is instantly challenged and any and all excuses are void. Evil is not made, it is born.
Evil or inhuman?
minorvogonpoet Posted Oct 29, 2018
Fortunately, I've never met any of these monsters, although I've met plenty of flawed humans.
The danger of defining people as 'monsters' is that it then allows us to treat them as badly as we like. It might be a step from that to defining as 'monsters' people whose views are abhorrent to us.
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Posted Oct 29, 2018
Unfortunately I have, and you simply cannot apply any normal references to explain or mmotigate their behaviour!
Evil or inhuman?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 29, 2018
My original point was simply that, by saying that these evil acts 'aren't human', you're letting the human species off the hook.
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Posted Oct 29, 2018
That’s my point from the other direction, these acts are given human perspective when quite simply there is something ‘other’ involved. Humans are letting the monsters off the hook by coming up with psycho babble excuses. Maybe the religious folk have it right and the devil has claimed their souls, much more plausible than mummy and daddy splitting up or the council house was damp.
Evil or inhuman?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 29, 2018
If I understand you, I think you're really raising the question of responsibility. I agree: too often the observation that this or that influence tends to foster criminal behaviour leads us to the false conclusion that, if that is so, the individual isn't responsible for what's been done. Like Bernstein and Sondheim's song, 'Officer Krupke', where the street punks claim to be 'sociologically sick!'
The Nazi Party rose to power due to a number of factors. One was the failure of the Treaty of Versailles to help Germany rebuild after the First World War, which led to poverty and misery and street violence in Germany. The hyperinflation alone caused suicides.
None of which excuses the Holocaust, even while it may help explain how those people got in power.
I disagree with whichever Frenchman said, 'Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner.' It isn't, and it doesn't. Phooey.
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Posted Oct 29, 2018
But we are not debating crimes, we are discussing how to write evil. One may think a thief is evil or an arsonist etc, murderers may have a reason, no matter how twisted, to explain their crimes; but true evil, how do you communicate that to those who have lived a sheltered life?Criminals apart,some souls are just downright sickening! ....And don’t confuse me with French, I get lost very easily lol
Evil or inhuman?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 29, 2018
You don't think the Holocaust is true evil and nearly impossible to explain?
What about the kinds of judicial murders that used to be common, whether in the Roman Empire or the British?
What kind of person okays drawing and quartering? Or crucifixion? Or tying someone to the mouth of a cannon? All of those things are, to me, true evil, if there ever was such a thing.
Evil or inhuman?
FWR Posted Oct 29, 2018
That’s a lot different than talking about street punks, now you’re goading me.
Maybe if I’d met Hitler or a historical torturer I could comment on their disposition, could report firsthand on how looking into feral eyes gives you the chills, how a jolly voice can haunt your nightmares describing horrors that they committed on children for ‘a laugh’ yes DG there is such a thing as true evil!
Enough said, go in peace.
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Evil or inhuman?
- 1: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
- 2: Paigetheoracle (Oct 29, 2018)
- 3: minorvogonpoet (Oct 29, 2018)
- 4: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
- 5: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
- 6: minorvogonpoet (Oct 29, 2018)
- 7: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
- 8: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 29, 2018)
- 9: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
- 10: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 29, 2018)
- 11: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
- 12: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 29, 2018)
- 13: FWR (Oct 29, 2018)
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