A Conversation for October Create Challenge 2018: Friends and Neighbours

Friends and Neighbours

Post 1


I am not the best one to ask, friends are scattered far and wide and community is a thing that is more a state of mind than a tangible thing, it is something that I never got the hang of, it is individuals I identify with not groups.

Its probably started with my up bringing. Starting from Kent my parents moved only 3 times but when I started work I got into the habit of moving around to get experience with my first job.
That caused a move from Hampshire to Berkshire for training and eventually to Barcelona to live and work.

The next move was to Hampshire job move again. The next stop was Turkey on the outskirts of Istanbul. The Turks are excellent people and very welcoming, but coffee and local moonshine in the local bars gets repetitive Buckinghamshire then to Staffordshire.

Rural Staffordshire was the longest stay over 10 years this is a nice place to live. I have collected some unusual skills during this time and in doing so met some interesting and notable people.

So community is not exactly my thing, there are no ties to any of the places. There are a few phone calls but after that there is not much inclination to contact with friends who have drifted away or past Neighbors. Correspondence soon fades a few times saying "we must send whatsit a card", but it seldom happens, perhaps we need another move?

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Friends and Neighbours

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