When Icicles Hang By the Wall

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Messages in the Snow

When icicles hang by the wall
When icicles hang by the wall,

And Dick the shepherd blows his nail,

And Tom bears logs into the hall,

And milk comes frozen home in pail,

When blood is nipped, and ways be foul,

Then nightly sings the staring owl…

William Shakespeare

You know it's winter, when you see the icicles hanging from the porch. They're pretty, but you soon get tired of the cold. The bunny that's hopping over by the woodpile agrees.

There are a lot of creatures coming through the Gheorgheni Wildlife Sanctuary. They leave messages in the snow. Can you read the signals? Here are a few snapshots I took of the mysterious markings.

I think the birds may be planning a lodge meeting…

Message in the snowMessage in the snowMessage in the snow

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

29.01.18 Front Page

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