A Conversation for Guess the Metal Band 2017: Answers

Halfway There

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I got five right.

I blame Freewayriding - since he's pronounced me the 'Godfather of Heavy Leslie', I feel like I can't let the side down *too* badly. Even though I am planning a Heavy Leslie album called 'Dmitri Gheorgheni Ruins the Beatles'. smiley - evilgrin

However, there really should be a band called Jörmungandr. They should practice in a reindeer-herders' hut in Norway.smiley - reindeer

Halfway There

Post 2

Icy North

Thanks for playing! smiley - ok

I'm not acquainted with this Heavy Leslie of which you speak. If your Beatles covers are really that bad, maybe you should call the band Crucifixion.

Halfway There

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh We need to work on our advertising, it seems....we posted the link to the Christmas album two weeks ago:


Halfway There

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

Yeah - I'm not very familiar with Heavy Metal, but I do love a bit of Heavy Leslie from the GoHL smiley - coolsmiley - ok I look forward to the next album smiley - evilgrin - sounds like it's going to be great, although Bluebottle may not approve smiley - laugh

I enjoyed this Quiz even though I didn't do particularly well. The commentary is excellent - I know of Ice-T but didn't know he went on to front a Metal Band smiley - laugh

There should definitely be a metal band from Hungary called Budapestilence, even though there isn't one now smiley - laugh

""pounding headache of rampaging blastbeats, distorted foghorn drones and radioactive seagull squalls"" smiley - laugh That's a superb description! I applaud Quietus Magazine!

I was taken in by 15, but of course that wouldn't be a very good name for a band - the people I was thinking of chose Delta 7 as the band name instead...

5/10 for me too smiley - ok

Halfway There

Post 5

Icy North

smiley - ok

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