Guess the Metal Band 2017
Created | Updated Dec 31, 2017

Spot the Metal Band 2018 Quiz
Following the positive feedback (excuse the pun) from last year, we’re back with another line up of who’s who in extreme music.
And so on to the quiz. You’ll find 20 possible heavy metal bands listed below. Ten of them released new albums in 2017. The other 10 didn’t, and they may not exist - I made them up. Can you spot the 10 genuine and active bands?
You'll find a link to the answers at the foot of the page, but no peeking until you've guessed them all!
Bands:1. Assassins Guild
2. Beheaded
3. Bloodwipe
4. Body Count
5. Budapestilence
6. Caligula’s Horse
7. Cradle of Filth
8. Dance Upon Nothing
9. Dead Neanderthals
10. Exhumed
11. Ghost Bath
12. House of Lords
13. Infra Pig
14. Jörmungandr
15. Learning Difficulties
16. Lend Me Your Brain
17. Municipal Waste
18. Planning for Burial
19. Thanatorium
20. Zombie & Son
All done? Click the picture for the answers and more.

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