A Conversation for Bluebottle's Bus, Beer and Bird Blog
Scrumping for Buses
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Nov 7, 2017
Excellent write up
That is rather amusing that the Merseybus was once stolen from Garston Garage! Good job it was a 1979 bus and not 1969, otherwise I'd have had to ask my dad if he had an alibi for the night in question
It fascinates me how well promotional t-shirts fit - I too struggle with plain ones from department stores, and it was a revelation when I got the Queen Convention merchandise - apart from the massive logo, the fit is excellent and it washes well The same is true of my h2g2 t-shirts
That is an awesome postcard image with the Harris Hawk on
Ah, the toilets on the Island Line - yes indeed that would be more of a priority for Lake... It was similar but different at Sandown that there is a toilet, with a RADAR Key lock, but on the day when I was departing from the Island, the lock was behind a door that was locked with a different key so I could see it but couldn't get to it... Luckily I managed to travel the whole bouncy length of the bouncy line without a problem, but I was quite glad when I got to the facilities at the ferry terminal...
"I'd've had brencheese and pickle anyway "
Scrumping for Buses
Bluebottle Posted Nov 7, 2017
Did your dad have a habit of bus scrumping in the late 1960s? My entire knowledge of Garston is that it is where buses are stolen
Sadly South Western Railway's take-over from South West Trains is leading to strikes across the network including the Island, with no service running tomorrow or Friday. Despite promising modern trains with toilets and Wi-Fi for the mainland, they've not said a sausage about any Island improvements. As much as I love the 1938 rolling stock and hope it stays so it can run heritage days, something a bit more modern for day-to-day running would be helpful.
I've heard it said on more than one occasion that the 1938 rolling stock is much tougher than their modern equivalent, and as there's been no investment and the tracks have been poorly maintained, if a modern train was placed on the Island's rails it would wear out in no time, but the tough 1938 trains just keep going. I don't know if it is true, but if it is, who would want to replace both track and trains at the same time?
You spotted I don't write quite as formally in my blogs as I would if I were writing for Peer Review.
Scrumping for Buses
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 7, 2017
Dunno about bus scrumping, but he certainly lived in Garston in the 1960s and knew that garage!
Ah, that's interesting that the Island Line has joined in with the strikes, even with (or perhaps because) there's not been any plan for improvements... As with many things, 'they don't make them like they used to', but some investment into the line would help, even as a heritage line...
"You spotted I don't write quite as formally in my blogs as I would if I were writing for Peer Review."
Yes Nammet features a lot, as well it should, and I liked the appearance of brencheese, after learning about it in your Quiz
Scrumping for Buses
Bluebottle Posted Nov 8, 2017
Ah – you've spotted that I write, and indeed, think about nammet quite a bit. And bread and cheese go together so well it makes perfect sense that brencheese is one word (although nammet today is watercress and ham sandwiches).
Rail companies Southern, Greater Anglia and South Western Railway are striking for 48 hours, while Merseyrail and Northern are only striking for 24 hours. If the strikes continue in icy weather when I wouldn't normally cycle in, I don't know how I'd get to work.
Scrumping for Buses
Bluebottle Posted Nov 10, 2017
It isn't just Scousers that go scrumping for : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-41764829
Scrumping for Buses
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Nov 10, 2017
Great story, BB. I didn't realize you could scrump a bus. You learn something new on h2g2 everyday.
Scrumping for Buses
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 10, 2017
That is a pleasing story - impressive how well the scrumping crime was handled for a great outcome all round
Scrumping for Buses
Bluebottle Posted Dec 5, 2017
The winner of the Beer & Bus Pub of the Year has been announced:
1. The Sun Inn, Hulverstone
2. (Joint) Joe's Bar, Niton; Sportsman's Rest, Porchfield
4. Porchfield Cricket Club, Porchfield
5. Culver Haven, Culver Down
6. (Joint) Bargeman's Rest, Newport; The Castle, Sandown
8. (Joint) Newport Ale House; King's Head, Yarmouth
10 (Joint) Chine, Shanklin; Cowes Ale House.
A surprisingly strong showing for the hamlet of Porchfield. Hulverstone and Culver are also hamlets, Niton is a small village and Newport, Sandown, Yarmouth, Shanklin and Cowes are towns.
Scrumping for Buses
Bluebottle Posted May 30, 2018
Two of the Island's routes are in the Top Ten in England - 2nd and 6th: http://www.iwcp.co.uk/news/16256238.Two_Isle_of_Wight_bus_routes_named_among_nation_s_most_scenic
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Scrumping for Buses
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