Post Quiz: Vocabulary Builder
Created | Updated Nov 5, 2017
Thanks to the Post and Bluebottle, you're becoming fluent in Isle of Wight. What about plain old English?
Post Quiz: Vocabulary Builder
Here are 10 words. Pick the right definition.
- absquatulate
- to decamp abruptly
- to sight a cryptozoological oddity
- to sit down without a chair
- to raise squash
- bandoline
- a wide cummerbund
- a musical group consisting of five instruments
- a sticky hair product
- a rare desert animal
- callithumpian
- describing a beautiful derriere
- describing the New Ashmolean Marching Society and Students' Conservatory Band
- describing a Greek island
- describing an amazing artwork
- deracinate
- to remove radishes from a salad
- to update your French theatre repertoire
- to eliminate racism
- to tear something up by the roots
- emmetropia
- tending to head towards the sea
- having 20/20 vision
- migrating, like a bird
- having a preference for the truth
- famulus
- wonderful
- awful
- a member of a family
- a magician's assistant
- galligaskins
- anti-French jokes told by the English
- a pair of platform heels
- map legends
- pirate trousers
- hodiernal
- involving reproductive organs
- of today
- happening every other day
- of the future
- inspissate
- incontinent
- rare
- unconscious due to excessive drinking
- to thicken or congeal
- Kinnikinnick
- a resort town in Maine
- something smoked by Native Americans
- an old name for the Mississippi River
- an old name for Canada
Ha! This language is harder than you thought. Click the picture for answers.