Post Quiz: Vocabulary Builder - Answers
Created | Updated Nov 5, 2017
Easy, right?
Vocabulary Builder: Answers
Here are the definitions.
- absquatulate
- to decamp abruptly – seems to have been really popular in the 1860s.
- bandoline
- a sticky hair product – also much used in the 19th Century. We feel sorry for the hairdressers.
- callithumpian
- describing the New Ashmolean Marching Society and Students' Conservatory Band – a loud, cheerful, but not entirely pleasant noise. (Kind of like the Editor's Leslie on an off-day.)
- deracinate
- to tear something up by the roots – a deracinated person has lost his or her connection to roots.
- emmetropia
- having 20/20 vision – yep: it just means you don't need glasses, lucky you.
- famulus
- a magician's assistant – 'For my next trick, I will make my famulus disappear.' Also used for academic assistants.
- galligaskins
- pirate trousers – yo-ho, me hearties, yeah, those baggy things also worn by Pieter Stuyvesant.
- hodiernal
- of today – plain old Latin. Try saying, 'Oh, those shoes are the latest thing. Positively hodiernal!' See if that doesn't get you looks.
- inspissate
- to thicken or congeal – I'm waiting for my jelly to inspissate. Then I'll take it out of the mould and over to Janet's party.
- Kinnikinnick
- something smoked by Native Americans – it had sumac and dogwood in, among other savoury things. Okay, and it's also the name of a Canadian gluten-free company. They've got the right idea.
You know what to do with this information, don't you? Go out and annoy 10 people today. It will be a hodiernal pleasure.