A Conversation for Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo
Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo Day 20
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Started conversation Nov 21, 2017
Monday morning, it was time to leave Manchester with Wand'rin Star, who would be hosting me for 2 nights. We had a pleasant train journey to Cleethorpes, where we met Galaxy Babe, who tucked our luggage into her boot. We all went to visit Violet, GB's mum, and we had some and
. And GB brought out a goo blue h2g2 t-shirt, still in the package, for me from back when Peta was still around! Afterwards, we went to The Jungle and saw meercats. There was an ice cream truck outside, so ice cream was eaten by the water. While we were talking, Wand'rin persuaded GB to take the bus down to Lincoln with us the next day (Caistor being on the way to Lincoln from Cleethorpes). After that, Wand'rin and I were off to Caistor.
When we arrived at Wand'rin's home, I took my things upstairs, and then we went for a walk around the village. We had our evening meal at the restaurant right next door, and then walked to the grocery to get something in for breakfast. We chatted a bit, then both went off to our rooms.
Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo Day 20
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 21, 2017
>>where we met Galaxy Babe, who tucked our luggage into her boot<<
the boot of my car, I hasten to add...
thanks for the memories and I'm glad you both got to meet my Mum
Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo Day 20
bobstafford Posted Nov 21, 2017
Well done Amy just want to offer a little feed back, brilliant read, an interesting tour of England with added interesting people.
Well done I am enjoying every word, and the reminders of places that I have also visited.
Thank you Amy excellent NaJoPoMo
Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo Day 20
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 22, 2017
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Amy P's 2017 NaJoPoMo Day 20
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