A Conversation for #25: Fairy Tree
minorvogonpoet Started conversation Nov 25, 2017
There are definitely places where you can believe Tolkein's Ents have come to rest. Fine in daytime, but they would be spooky at night.
One such place is Sherwood Forest, which has some of the most ancient oaks in the UK.
bobstafford Posted Nov 25, 2017
It shows you really take notice of your surroundings.
Very unusual roots legs on a tree, a short cut for rabbits
Very good contrast lovely photograph.
cactuscafe Posted Dec 2, 2017
Yes! This is definitely an ancient whisper photogenic tree! Great pic! I love all the curly rooty patterns.
You know how sometimes a wood can be full of ancient whispers? As if the trees are speaking?
No? Erm, well, OK.
Actually, there's an esoteric bookshop in Glastonbury called The Speaking Tree. Its time I went to speak to it.
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