A Conversation for #20: Botanic Garden

Beautiful place

Post 1


smiley - applause

Although I did read Wordsworth as Woolworth... Pick and mix gardens could be the next big thing! Great shot, want that rock for my excuse for a garden.

Beautiful place

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks FWR - it is a beautiful place indeed smiley - biggrin

I like the idea of pic n mix gardens! smiley - laugh Although, coincidentally enough, I enjoyed filling a plantpot with a variety of bulbs earlier this month at a garden centre so that's not far off! I look forward to seeing them grow in Spring smiley - biggrin

That rock is awesome - reminds me almost of a Dolmen, which links in with the mystique of standing stones and 'thoughts of more deep seclusion' indeed smiley - zen

Beautiful place

Post 3


I love botanic gardens! I've not heard of this one, in the Wirral. Are there hot houses there also?

Its great the way the mysterious rock is right in the front of the picture. It really is a focus. Yes, like a Dolmen!

I can smell that lovely vegetation. The smell of green.

Great piccie SashaQ!

Beautiful place

Post 4


I miss the logo, the writing on the shop front, when department stores close down.

Woolworths, BHS, Bobbys.

Bobbys department store. Now there's a memory.

Beautiful place

Post 5


Realy nice composition gardens in sunlight can be difficult, this is just right beautiful smiley - applause

Beautiful place

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks cc smiley - biggrin

Yes, there are a couple of small hothouses, with cacti and carnivorous plants in. They're not often open, though, sadly. The Alpine House is a cool greenhouse, and that is always open, so I like it in there - the tiny alpine plants are fascinating smiley - biggrin

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