A Conversation for #12: Ruined Abbey

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 1


So atmospheric! At first glance I thought it was Glastonbury Abbey, the tall part on the right is so similar.

Then I saw the roof and windows to the left which reminded me of a building I saw as a child on a family holiday in Normandy, a fleeting image, can't place it.

So what's behind the wall? A courtyard I imagine? Cobbled perhaps. I want to climb the wall now, see what's there.

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 2


I think behind the wall is the rest of the abbey, the part that's still standing and where the monks are.

But on the other hand, it may well be a magic courtyard with whatever you think there should be... smiley - whistle

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

And a unicorn. smiley - magic

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 4


Nah, the unicorn is on the shelf in my office at work. smiley - laugh

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh I can relate. Shiva dances on my nightstand. smiley - winkeye

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 6


smiley - laugh

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 7


smiley - rofl How can my tiny green plastic zombie (from the North Laine, Brighton) ever compete with shiva and a unicorn?

This is an interesting survey. What ornaments do we currently have on our shelves? What do they say about us, and our lives.

I do have a glass bowl of marbles, with a candle in the middle, I call it my marble garden. Shiva and the unicorn would approve of that.

'Course there's folks around 'ere who have Minions for ornaments. We know this, from Pic Number One.

smiley - redwine

Oh, there are still monks there? I didn't realise that. I can hear them chanting, in the courtyard. That's lovely.

I just had a France memory. My Dad used to take us all there, as kids, on camping holidays. We went to this amazing building where they make Benedictine. I think it was was made by monks, originally. I wonder if it was an abbey we went to? Like, in 1965.

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I'll bet it was! smiley - biggrin

I used to go to Evensong with the Benedictine monks. They were colleagues, because I taught at their college. smiley - laugh They only sang in English, which I found odd.

If you're ever near Munich, go to Kloster Andechs. ('Kloster' means 'cloister, monastery'.) They make the strongest beer you've ever tasted - and they only sell it in liters.

We took a tubby theologian with us, once. We had to roll him down the rather steep hill to the S-Bahn station. smiley - rofl

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 9


Im looking at a laughing Buddha, a leather and bourbon candle (smells like a Harley dealership without the undertones of midlife crisis) and a Russian doll in the guise of Putin (who looks suspiciously like Ace Rimmer in his shades and flying jacket)!

Even our shelves are slightly strange!

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 10


Here at home, I have a knit dino and a knit dalek. There is also a crochetted Tardis that should go there, but it's not on the shelf yet. Probably in a yarn bag somewhere. smiley - shrug
At work: a unicorn, a tiny cuddly bear and a knit minion (purple, the yellow one I made has been in the care of my friend since her birthday last year).

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 11

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

If you knitted the Dalek and Tardis, you MUST give us an article for smiley - thepost on how it's done! smiley - grovel

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 12


Find a free pattern on the Internet. Follow the instructions. Simples smiley - shrug

smiley - winkeye

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 13

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Lazy. smiley - cross Give us your version. With pics.

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 14


Ok, ok, I'll try. Put the gun away.

I'll have you know that the dalek even went to the Manchester Meet years ago!
And someone there spilt pbbg on it (not me).
And his name is Dalek-sander the Great.
So there. smiley - nahnah

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 15


Yes, I agree! We need the authentic Superfrenchie account, with photos. I must see the pics! An internet version, no good. Superfrenchie article, now now now...we have to know more about these knitted wonders. Did you knit them yourself? Or where do they come from?

Pleeeeeeeeeeze?? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?

smiley - redwine

What???? sorry, just had a strange experience, something about a leather and bourbon candle.

Back in next posting. I hope. smiley - redwinesmiley - stiffdrink

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 16


Erm ....

It's true, all true, a leather and bourbon candle. smiley - stiffdrink

Plus other FWR curiosities, previously not known to man, beast or ornament shelf.

Is this fact or fiction? We ask. I must go travelling for no apparent reason. Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 17


Dalek-sander the Great went to the Manchester meet??

You see, this is what I mean about h2g2. Just when you think you have a grip on reality, it changes. smiley - rofl.

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 18


Love the tubby theologian. smiley - rofl

I need several litres of that strong beer, right now. smiley - rofl.

Plus a bottle of Benedictine. Interesting. I think we must have gone to the abbey, where it was brewed. I remember the seal on the bottle.

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 19

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yay! We do need this Superfrenchie article, if only to make Bluebottle even more paranoid. He thinks all this knitting in the Post is a cult...smiley - winkeye

Beauty in the broken abbey

Post 20


heheh. Run Bluebottle. smiley - rofl

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