A Conversation for Dissing Mona Lisa
The Enigmatic Moustache
cactuscafe Started conversation Oct 22, 2017
heheh. I love it.
I wonder who Lisa was? Did she know how famous she was going to be?
Did she even like the portrait?
'Oh Leonardo' she might have protested, chucking a pot of paint at him. 'You've made me look reeely chunky. OK, that's it, I'm never going out again.'
I wonder what this painting is worth these days? Without moustache.
The Enigmatic Moustache
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 22, 2017
A lot, I guess. But I like the idea of the model tossing a paint pot.
Our art teacher, whose first name was Byron, threw a paint dish at a girl in my junior high school once.
Everybody felt like cheering - she was really obnoxious...
The Enigmatic Moustache
FWR Posted Oct 23, 2017
Just been to the orthodontist with my youngest, large poster has pride of place, yup, Lisa with rather cool braces!
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The Enigmatic Moustache
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