A Conversation for #5: Silhouette on the Beach

Very Zen

Post 1


For me, the figure looks like a Buddha- approachng nirvana. smiley - zen

Very Zen

Post 2


The black silhouetted clouds on the horizon are a nice touch, and the image splits at the horizon from colour to black and white. Nice effect well done more please smiley - biggrin

Very Zen

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yes, this is an amazing picture. smiley - biggrin Maybe CC is collecting more as we speak - she's off on a trip.

Very Zen

Post 4


Interesting. I took a photo like this once.

I was cruising along Brighton seafront on my bike, and everything was silhouette and sunset orange, and I took so many photos, including about two hundred shots of a streetlight which looked like a totemic messenger.

And then I took about sixty shots of a seafront hotel for no reason whatsover.

Then I saw a guy who looked like Buddha on the beach. In fact, this photo is really familiar.

Oh, wait, haha, its mine. smiley - rofl. Thanks for your insightful comments, dear people.

Very Zen

Post 5


Have you put any of your shots on a website CC

Very Zen

Post 6


Not yet boss, I've been in Cornwall, and now I'm running late with my entire life and trying to recover from mud. My niece took me walking on coastal trails, through mud.

As if this is any excuse. It is a setback though.

I still want to set up a share site, like what you've got.

Very Zen

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yes, this one. smiley - winkeye

Very Zen

Post 8


Yes! smiley - kiss

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