h2g2 Caption Challenge: Fluff's New House
Created | Updated Sep 24, 2017
Can you think of a snappy caption for this odd picture? Of course you can. You're a h2g2 Researcher.
Fluff's New House

See that house down there? Yes, it's on cinder blocks. You know the Post Editor comes of hillbilly stock.
The ready-made 'tiny house' is the latest addition to the Hoggett Farm outbuildings. The inside isn't finished yet, but the guest house will be a work of art when all the willing workers get through contributing.
There's a snag, however: an uninvited tenant is already attempting to move in.
'Fluff thinks it's his house,' writes Mrs Hoggett. You remember Fluff, the kitten-sitting tomcat? He was large and in charge on the day the house arrived.
Give us a witty caption. And send more photos!