Cat Avant-Garde

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Art pour l'art. That's Molly's story, and she's sticking to it.

Cat Avant-Garde

One day, we came home to a surprise art installation in our living room:

Molly and her art installation.

Molly the Editorial Assistant Kitty has reached that phase known to all parents. You know, the 'I'm not studying accounting, I'm going to art school' phase. It is useless to leave newspapers around with circled ads for MBAs. The dog only shreds them. So we have to grin and bear with the artistic expressions and hope she grows out of it.

Molly's 'Artist Statement':

What one cat can do to a living room.With this artwork, I'm trying to combine my knowledge of theoretical physics with an appreciation of the existential angst of the 21st Century. The yarn, of course, represents string theory. You will notice how elaborately I have wound and re-wound the strand around various pieces of furniture. This also expresses the way in which the universe, sub specie aeternitatis, makes a mockery of bourgeois values, symbolised by the rather old-fashioned Gheorgheni furniture. Dmitri has great taste – for 1895.

I would advise other cat artists to try this at home. You need: a sufficiently large ball of yarn, a living room with lots of chair and table legs, and an absence of humans. Wait until they go away for a couple of hours, doing whatever they do out there.

I did this all by myself. The other cat is an old fuddy-duddy, and the dog is, frankly, aesthetically challenged.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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