A Conversation for Join the Q: Behind the Scenes with Cleverbot

Sometimes I worry...

Post 1


...That you might get addicted to chatting to Chatbots.smiley - tongueout


Sometimes I worry...

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

You'd be right to worry, because I was a bit addicted for a while, but the frustration outweighed the enjoyment in the end so I was glad to close the chat window and do something else instead...

Sometimes I worry...

Post 3


You can't say you didn't give it a fair go, but I definitely know how you feel about the frustration smiley - winkeye


Sometimes I worry...

Post 4

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I am impressed at the patience you have. I sometimes try Cleverbot, but it usually just goes in circles, and I quit.

smiley - towel

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