Don't godot there

1 Conversation

With apologies to Samuel Beckett, and internet admins everywhere. But somebody put me up to it.

Don’t godot there

A silhouette of the Prisoner against that dreaded White Ball

In the beginning was the website.

And the website was always there, it seems. A vast, pale blue space, inviting comment.

And posting. Lots of posting.

smiley - dolphinsmiley - dolphinsmiley - dolphin

SUBJECT: Update Soon

tarragon13: Nothing to be done.

dmitri42: I'm beginning to come to that conclusion myself. smiley - sigh

tarragon13: I'm glad to see you posting again. I thought you'd smiley - Elvised.

dmitri42: Me? Never. But it's good to be back. Let me give you a smiley - hug.

tarragon13: smiley - hug Where have you been posting?

dmitri42: Over at the liesdotcomplace.

tarragon13: Did they troll you and shame you and yikes all your posts?

dmitri42: Of course they did. They are internet fiends. That's why I'm back. That, and I'm waiting for nighthoover.

tarragon13: Ah, the blessed nighthoover. smiley - angel

dmitri42: Ah, the blessed nighthoover. smiley - angel

tarragon13: smiley - simpost

dmitri42: Do you think the Update will come today?

tarragon13: The admins say, 'Any day now'. But I have doubts.

dmitri42: You, too? You shouldn't be negative, you know. Although, I must say, it's been a long time between Updates. And yet I live in hope. What's the good of losing heart now? We should have thought of it a million years ago, in the nineties.

tarragon13: Waiting for Updates maketh the user sick, who said that?

dmitri42: I don't know. Check on

tarragon13: I blame 2legs. smiley - zen

End of Act I

Amazing how prescient Samuel Beckett was when predicting our online futures…after all, it was called Theatre of the Absurd.

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13.06.16 Front Page

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