h2g2 Caption Challenge: Tractor Supplies

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Can you think of a snappy caption for this oddly appropriate picture? Of course you can. You're a h2g2 Researcher.

What Do You Need from the Tractor Supply Store?

The tractor supply store nestled in a suitable landscape.

The tractor supply store has lots of good things: for one, tractor supplies. Also peat moss for your garden. Implements. Boots, cowboy hats, billed caps, and t-shirts that say, 'It's not broken, it only needs duct tape.' Country fashions. Seed packets. The best, scientifically designed cat and dog food. Candy you probably don't really need…magazines…you get the idea.

The view from the parking lot is awesome in this hilly country.

Can you come up with a fitting caption for this agricultural image?

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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