Tavaron's Spring Garden

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And spring is truly here. Look at the blossoms.

Tavaron's Spring Garden

Cherry and plums.Violets.

During the last few months we moved into a new home, a small old house with a huge garden on a rather steep hill, facing to the south. So now, for the first time, my gardening is not restricted to a few pots on a balcony anymore.

As the house is not yet finished I don't have the time to care much for the garden or plant lots of flowers, but I am waiting to see what is already there. In the small front yard there grow quite a lot of roses and most of them still seem to be healthy. I am waiting to see what kinds of colors they have and I already planted one additional rose.

The huge garden at the back of the house has some very large fir trees close to the house and we will get rid of these as soon as we can. They cast too much shadow on the house and some also seem to be a threat during storms. There are also two large beech trees, two even larger walnut trees and further up the hill quite a lot of fruit trees. Some of these fruit trees seem to e almost dead but we give them a chance. Everything that is not alife anymore will be replaced. At the top of the garden right at the fence there are some more firs and pine trees because behind the fence is only a footpath and the forest.

As I am not good in recognising fruit trees if they have no leaves – let alone fruit – on them, I am now eagerly waiting for them to show what they are. The first one to bloom and make itself known at the end of March was a damson plum high up on the hill. About one week later followed two cherry trees – one of which doesn't seem to be in a good condition. All but one branches seem to be dead, so maybe we should chop this one down.

Damson plum.

By mid April the whole garden was in full bloom. Most of the trees seem to be plum trees with maybe one or two apple trees. Quite a few dead branches need to be removed and maybe also some whole trees. The beeches and walnut trees also get leaves now and more and more strawberryies turn up in the grass. I hope the birds will leave us some of their fruit when they ripen. Apart from birds we also have a lovely brown squirrel by the way (the dog loves to watch it through the window). It will not be happy when we get rid of our fir trees I'm afraid, but we will try to bribe it with walnuts.

I will try to keep you updated if anything new shows up. The roses in the front garden seem to get large buds now, for instance.

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