A Conversation for SashaQ's NaJoPoMo2015

SQ 30 November 2015

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

I'm feeling good tonight as I've done a couple of good turns today and connected with people smiley - biggrin

Now I'm watching a double bill of Ru Paul Series 6, which is interesting so far, although some of the characters are annoying already... The group has been split into two so each half gets plenty of screen time, and the first task was amusing that they all had to be photographed while jumping so there were some rather funny faces pulled smiley - laugh The first guest judge was Adam Lambert, who has worked with Brian May and Roger Taylor as Queen+ so that was interesting too.

Plus I won the badge for updating my NaNoWriMo novel every day, and with this post I have done NaJoPoMo every day too smiley - magicsmiley - somersault

SQ 30 November 2015

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

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