The Post Quiz: Games Kids (Used to) Play
Created | Updated Aug 2, 2015
Are you feeling playful?
The Post Quiz: Games Kids (Used to) Play

Back in the dark ages, children, people didn't have X-Boxes. Or handheld whatits. 'Game' didn't mean Angry Birds. It meant running around.
Can you name these games of old?
Name that game.
- A kind of tag involving a blindfolded 'It'.
- Whispering a secret message from one person to another until it turns into nonsense.
- Battling horse chestnuts.
- Turning two jumping ropes simultaneously.
- Tossing a bean bag or other object while music plays.
- Tossing a ball around, trying to keep it away from the player in the middle.
- Jumping over crouched players, popular since the 16th century.
- Moving forward – but only with permission from the leader (who can't see you).
- Calling for aggressive kids to 'charge' the opposite line.
- Do what the leader tells you: but only if they say the magic words.
Got them all? Click the picture to find out.