Games Kids (Used to) Play: Answers
Created | Updated Aug 2, 2015
Tag, you're it.
Games Kids (Used to) Play: Answers

Did these old games bring back memories? Or did you grow up playing only virtual games?
Name that game.
- A kind of tag involving a blindfolded 'It'. Blindman's Buff.
- Whispering a secret message from one person to another until it turns into nonsense. Chinese Telephone, or Whisper Down the Lane.
- Battling horse chestnuts. Conkers.
- Turning two jumping ropes simultaneously. Double Dutch.
- Tossing a bean bag or other object while music plays. Hot potato.
- Tossing a ball around, trying to keep it away from the player in the middle. Keep Away, or Monkey in the Middle.
- Jumping over crouched players, popular since the 16th century. Leapfrog.
- Moving forward – but only with permission from the leader (who can't see you). Mother May I?
- Calling for aggressive kids to 'charge' the opposite line. Red Rover. (From a book character by Fennimore Cooper, who knew?)
- Do what the leader tells you: but only if they say the magic words. Simon Says.
Ah, childhood. Makes you tired just thinking about all that running around. Did you call these games by different names? Do you remember other games? Tell us about them.