A Conversation for Colours of Wildlife: Falanouc
This is a fantastic critter, Willem.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation May 17, 2015
Thanks for sharing this one with us, I swear it looks like it has alien origins. It is really sad that they can't do more to perserve the species there. It would be cool if the humans could do more in the way of birth control.
This is a fantastic critter, Willem.
Willem Posted May 17, 2015
Hi Elektra! Thanks a lot for the appreciation. Welp, birth control is widely available these days ...
But honestly, us humans should just acknowledge that maybe there are a bit too many of us. It impacts the quality of human lives, too. Over here we are seriously running out of ability to provide things like water and electricity for everybody.
This is a fantastic critter, Willem.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted May 17, 2015
I think the problem is that humans always make a competition of everything including having kids---fathers somehow think better of themselves if they have a tribe of kids---whether he can feed them all and send them to school or not. I am sure there is a mother component to this as well but really people: quality rather than quantity . Nature can afford to be prolific because there are checks and balances built in, but people HAVE NO COMMON SENSE!
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This is a fantastic critter, Willem.
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