How to: Pliny
Created | Updated May 19, 2015
Best viewed in Ripley skin.
Pliny is the default skin
Any new Researcher is presented with the h2g2 site (HooToo) in Pliny. This is not a bad thing, you will get used to it. This entry is written from the viewpoint of 'the other skins' I will refer them as Ripley skins, just to confuse .
Pliny is just a skin as the others, that is, each skin has its own features. Pliny does have a lot to offer:
- Auto GuideML for Entries
- Extensive overview of Bookmarks and Subscriptions
- The Front Page, our home page
- A functional online list, be it limited to Researchers visiting the Pliny skin in the last 15 minutes (most of them anyway)
- There is much more in Pliny then in the Ripley skins, I will come up with more for sure
Pliny is Ocean blue with dolphins and stars in top and clouds below
Pliny has new names and functionality for many known functionality in the other skins, this generates some confusion. This is the standard top bar with links.
Pliny top bar, linking to the Pliny features
The Lounge
is exclusively for the Pliny skin, it is the launching point for Community conversations on h2g2. Not to say the Ripley skins can not go there, there are just a lot less conversations. Actually only the
Forum on the entry exists. The other Community areas have their own forums in the Ripley skins.
Ask and
There we have Create an entity with a montly focus point inspiring new (and older) Researchers to write. This Researcher has some resemblance with Elton, the retired ham(p)ster that kept the dna wheel spinning.
Log out|
My Space|
My Personal Space|
Conversation forums
Skin less links formed in and correct for Ripley are rendered into functional Pliny links. The Fnumber?thread=number version at least.
All smilies are available in the smiley categorisation on the right side.
Entries show the number of conversations at the top. Also not only the creation date but also the last update date is visible (polluted the wiki with both creation dat e and update date, their system will one day fail on it)
The WYSIWYG editor
What You See Is What You Get
In other words scary, unexpected, unpredictable as long as we do not know what it does! As promised in the sideline any newline becomes a <BR/> not mentioned is it removes the original newline. Reducing the 'source' nearly unreadable. Not mentioned is also it changes inserted < to <
The Hide radio-button is not the same as the delete button. The hide button removes the content of the entry out of sight. The Entry and the Forum stay visible and accesible for anyone.
However, while only beeing hidden one can undelete the entry from the MA...?type=3 list. Probably better policy to use the Pliny edit and uncheck the Hide, this starts to become very confusing.
Press 'Enter' to start a new line, 'Shift' + 'Enter' for a new paragraph.
A series of buttons not unlike a word processor
[GuideML][format v] [Bold|Italic|Subtext|Suptext|erase] [numbered list|bulleted list|indent|table]
The Format button expands to the following list:
Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5Heading 6Formatted
normal DIV
The format rendered to a <HEADER>
Indent shows to make your paragraph starting indented from the left side.
Actually it renders as a blockquote way less indented as where it was shown in the first place
opening the editor again to see for a very brief instant h1 instead of header, then only the title remains
Text on the right side
Entries for the Guide can use most basic html tags, and we also provide some special in-house GuideML tags that can be used.
These include:
<HEADER> for a header
<SUBHEADER> for a subheader
<FOOTNOTE> for an automatically numbered footnote
then a pointer to
This is a manual for the brunel advanced GuideML editor.