A Conversation for English monarchy PROJECT PROPOSAL NOT FOR REVIEW
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Bluebottle Started conversation Mar 5, 2015
You might find these useful:
Æthelwulf - 839-856
Æthelbald - 856-860
Æthelbert - 860-865
Æthelred I - 865-871
Alfred the Great - 871-899
Edward the Elder - 899-924
Edgar the Peaceful - 943-975
Æthelred II the Unready - 978–1013, 1014-16
William I the Bastard - 1066-1087
Stephen - 1135-1154
Empress Matilda - 1141
Henry II - 1154-1189
John - 1199-1216
Edward II - 1307-1327
Henry VI - 1422-61, 70-71
Edward IV - 1461-70, 71-83
Edward V - Prince In The Tower - 1483
Richard III - 1483-1485
King Henry VIII - 1509-1547
Queen Elizabeth I - 1558-1603
Charles II - 1660-1685
Queen Anne - 1702-1707
Queen Victoria - 1837-1901
King Edward VIII - 1936
George VI - 1936-1952
Queen Elizabeth II - 1952-Present
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