A Conversation for Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Peer Review: A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 1

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Entry: Epiphany, a Christian Holiday - A87845476
Author: Florida Sailor - Truth is Stranger than Fiction - U235886

It is far too close to the Holiday itself to hope for this to be included by the festival date. But, being the season, I was inspired to share these thoughts. I hope they might be deemed worthy of a inclusion to the Guide.

smiley - cheers

F smiley - dolphin S

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 2


Well done excellent entry I hope someone can include it in the guide as soon as possible

Thanks FS we all need a reminder

smiley - smiley

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi Fsmiley - dolphinS, thanks for writing thissmiley - ok

I've had a quick skim and I think it would benefit from some appropriate Bible quotes smiley - smiley

I'm in a rush (sorry) and may come back to it over the weekend if I can, in the meantime can I leave you this link A82826139 - St John the Baptist is one of my favourite Bible characters.

smiley - cheers

smiley - galaxysmiley - xmaspud

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

In Lanzarote the three kings arrive on camels on 6 Jan and parade down the promenade of the biggest town. It is they and not Santa Claus that bring presents for the children.

In France there is a special cake served up on the Epiphany. I'll look up the details.

In Ireland 6 Jan was called Little Christmas or sometimes Women's Christmas.

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on


A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

It also might be worth mentioning that the Eve of the Epiphany was a great night for feasting and revelry as it was the last night of Christmas. It was called Twelfth Night.

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

By the Eve I mean the night before, of course.

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 8

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thank you all for your commentssmiley - biggrin

I certainly added the link to to St John, excellent Entry.

I expanded and refined my comments about the 12 Days. I remember my Mother always said it was 'Little Christmas' I know her family had strong Irish roots, but I never made the connection.

I have added a couple Bible quotes, but it would be too easy to let them take over the Entry.

It was several years ago that I attended my first Greek Epiphany celebration and it took me a while before I realized that it was about an entirely different event than I had expected. I really want to explain he two different aspects of the same celebration.

Please continue to comment as you see fit.smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

F smiley - dolphin S

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 9


Good work just right smiley - oksmiley - ale

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

You'll need to sort out that first senrence. It is confusing and badly phrases. I suggest:

On 6 January each year the Christian Church celebrates Epiphany. Both the Western Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church observe the holiday, but the meaning of this celebration differs between the two churches.

I think you should say the first time you mention the baptism that Jesus wss an adult, to show that the two events celebrated are 30 years apart. You could just say "the adult Jesus".

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 11

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thank you Gnomon.

I rephrased the opening. It is not the meaning of the holiday that differs, only the event credited for its manifestation, in fact I stated that in the very next sentence.smiley - doh

I did add a footnote, as I find some denominations have moved the observation to their nearest regular service.

I also clarified that Jesus was not baptized as an infant.

F smiley - dolphin S

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 12

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hey, cool entry! smiley - holly

A few suggestions:
I think it might be a good idea to mention in passing that the magi, or 'wise men', were most probably Zoroastrian priests from Persia:


I really think you need to mention the fact that there is no historical evidence that the Massacre of the Innocents ever took place. The account in Matthew is the only record of this atrocity - it's not in Josephus, and there's no archaeological evidence, etc. Yes, it's part of the religious canon, but no, it isn't an established fact.


While mass infanticide would not be out of character for Herod, it's not a done deal historically.

About baptism:

What's your source about the idea that baptisers didn't touch baptisees at the time? I'm just curious.

And could you mention mikvahs?


I know it's pushy, but if you could w ork in a link to my Proxy Baptism entry, I'd be grateful: A87756349

Now, I'll stop kibitzing and wish you a merry Christmas! smiley - mistletoe

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 13


It´s not just in Lanzarote, Gnomon, the parade is in all Spain.smiley - smiley

It´s a big day for all families , religious or not. Every town, every village, no matters how small it is, organizes a parade. The one in Madrid is broadcasted on tv and it´s always spectacular.

The tradition is this: on the night of day 5, after kids, full of enthusiasm, have been sent to bed , parents take out the presents they had hidden, and put them near the shoes. A tray with sweets, milk, brandy... is left for the Kings, and for the camels a big bowl with water.

you can guess what´s next in the morning of day 6.

As well as french people, we eat that cake you´ve mention, Roscón de Reyes.

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 14

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yum. smiley - drool

Southern Germans go write something on the house about 'Kaspar, Balthasar, Melchior' and the year, as I recall...

In the US, kids merely sing, 'We three kings of orient are trying to smoke a loaded cigar...BOOM!'

We have no idea what the religious significance of this is...smiley - run

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 15

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh

Very nice Entry!
Yes, in Germany the day is obviously celebrated similar to how we do it in Austria.

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 16

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thank you Dimitri, I always value your input.

On your first point about the 'Zoroastrian priests' I find this quite interesting, but I am afraid this might lead us into far more theological discussion than is needed here. I did add a footnote for anyone who wants to do their own search. I am concerned that the theological side of this Entry could easily distract us from the simple points I want to present.

I did augment my section about the 'Holy Innocents' to say that Matthew is the only record of this act. I am not prepared to say it didn't happensmiley - smiley

>>What's your source about the idea that baptisers didn't touch baptisees at the time? I'm just curious.

It was one of those unexpected little facts that I uncovered while researching this. I only included it because it was something I didn't know myself. Of course because you ask, and I didn't bother to make a note to myself, I have not been able to find it again. Give me a day or two and I will either re-find the link, or remove the note.

I did mention that the cakes are made in both France and Spain, and their former colonies. The German and Austrian traditions are mentioned in the Wise Men' Entry, so I may just leave it at that.

F smiley - dolphin S

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 17


Hello FS Just a small point could you add a footnote regarding Herod.

There were three Herods Herod the great, Herod Antipas and Herod Agrippa all kings of the Jewish nation and ruling in close order.

For clarity please add a note or give the Herod in the text his full title as most people do not know there were three Heroes.

smiley - magic entry

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 18

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok I didn't mean to imply that you needed to come down on one side or the other in the Massacre debate - merely that we should be clear as to the source. I don't have an opinion on it myself.

And it makes sense about the baptism, but I was curious to read the source and learn more. In the mikveh, of course, nobody immerse the person to be cleansed. As I understand it, the mikvah user immerses him/herself. And if the roots of baptism lie in mikvah practice, that would be logical.

There's a very old mikvah in Cologne. I'm pleased to see that they've put a nice glass pyramid over it now - when they first found it, the entrance was just a shack in the corner of the Rathaus parking lot. It has a lot of steps down to the underground river, because a mikvah has to use 'living water'. Here are some pics.


Of course, you don't need any of this for the Entry - just thought you might like to see it. It goes back to the 8th Century, so it might give you an idea of this practice in antiquity.

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 19

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

A good point Bob, but it raises a smiley - canofworms regarding the year of Christ's birth. If the actual year was 4 BCE it was 'The Great' If we place it at the turn of the millennium it would have been his son. In either case it does not add a great deal information to this Entrysmiley - shrug

I think I will let this one passsmiley - ok

Thank you for the link, Dimitri. Although I have attended Shabbot services I never got involved enough to ask about cleansing rituals, and they were Reform anywaysmiley - smiley

When I was young we attended an Episcopalian Church that had an underground stream running through one of the cupboards in the basement kitchen. But that was just an accidentsmiley - shrug

F smiley - dolphin S

A87845476 - Epiphany, a Christian Holiday

Post 20

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

smiley - eureka I believe I have found my source http://www.biblicalheritage.org/jesus/baptism.htm

Please enjoysmiley - smiley

F smiley - dolphin S

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