Stars in Our Eyes You recognize this painting, right? It's van Gogh's Starry Night. Beautiful, strange, evocative in the best sense of the word. Does it surprise you to find out that this version of it is a tribute mural located in southern California? Of course not: this is the h2g2 Post, home of the unusual, intriguing, and stimulating. We thrive on discoveries of this nature.
Speaking of nature, we've got it aplenty this week. Willem's been gardening, because it's spring where he is, the lucky man, and the South African flora are, as usual, just amazing. Enjoy his double essay, and get a break from the stormy weather outside your window. Our wildlife artist is also sharing some fantastic images and entertaining stories about the puff adder. Be warned, oh, ye fainthearted: here be snakes, and some of the stories may be scary.
Now that we mention scary stories, it is December, time for the Brits to tell 'em. We've got another reading tip for you in that area. While researching it, your Editor stumbled across a fascinating bit of sci-fi history: a US professor, Dorothy Scarborough, who pioneered sci-fi criticism in the early years of the 20th Century. You have to see this: it's a true find for science fiction fans.
Awix has been brave again, and is reviewing Horrible Bosses 2. Stop by and thank him. Ben checks in before checking out for some much-needed shuteye (send get well wishes), and we remind you to keep working on Create's December challenge. Get your space stories in. We'll also quiz you about food, always a favourite subject around here, and make you chuckle, we hope.
This week, don't let the shopping crowds get you down. Keep writing, keep warm if you're in the northern hemisphere, and enjoy the garden if you're down south. Have a good week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni