The h2g2 Post 29.09.14

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 29th September 2014

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Leopard Tortoise by Willem. You see the toirtoise over there? He moves slowly, but he gets there. Willem's tortoise has so much to teach us that he takes up two pages of this week's Post. We've got a bumper issue for you this week – thanks, contributors – and it's chockfull of stories that will make you laugh, gasp, and ponder. Mostly, it's all about movement, slow or fast.

Take Benjamin. He's noticed a certain singer who thinks that everybody in his audience needs to get up and dance. The problem is, he isn't paying attention. Hasn't he ever heard of wheelchair dancing? Even your Editor has, and your Editor cannot dance. Cause of handicap? Early childhood Baptist trauma. Religious repression resulting in two left feet.

In addition to slow-moving things, and things on wheels, we've got fast-moving heavenly objects. They're whizzing around out there, and Galaxy Babe is back to tell us about the spectacular results. Let her catch you up. Another of our stellar and hard-working Guide Editors, Bluebottle, is also back with the latest on Flea Market activity. No, it won't make you itch. It will make you glad to be part of the Edited Guide.

Create writers round off the September challenge with a few more guilty pleasures. One guilty pleasure may well be doing the quizzes you find here: we've got two, one from the everlovin' Prof, who will have you scratching your heads (though not from the Flea Market, promise).

The aliens are disappointed: they lost their bid to provide taxi service to the ISS. Just as well, probably. Nigel has grey hairs from their driving already. But we're all glad that NASA's back to boldly going. That remark about trampoulines was a bit over-the-top, we think.

So enjoy this bumper issue. And start gearing up for October: Create wants your spooky stories. WE want your spooky stories! Don't worry, we'll warn the kiddies and people with delicate sensibilities, as usual. True or made-up, campfire tale or intellectual musing about the Nameless Dread (come on, Cthulhu fans, put your fingers to work), we're ready for you. Also send in those pumpkin pics.

Have a good week!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Wild jasmine by Willem.




  • Aliens lose their bid to provide shuttle service to the ISS.
  • Science fiction in the Gay 90s.

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