September Create: Something Old and Something New
Created | Updated Sep 28, 2014
Magwitch confesses to being a guilty collector, again
In my final installment of Guilty Collecting I will show you two old and two new figures that are currently sitting around the fireplace in my lounge.
First up is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, the main character in several Assassin's Creed games. He was a Florentine nobleman during the Renaissance, until he discovered his Assassin heritage.

Next up is a Big Daddy, and no, I don't mean Shirley Crabtree. This Big Daddy appeared in Bioshock and is a genetically altered human tasked with the protection of Little Sisters . They will only attack if either provoked or see you as a threat to one of the Sisters
The third picture is of Batman and the Joker. This lovely piece of kit came with the Arkham City Collectors Edition of the game. I love the Joker's coat.

Finally, the newest addition to our little family is Aiden Pearce, the protagonist in Watch Dogs. He's so new in fact, that we've not even played the game yet. I had this on my watch list for ages and it was rather a bargain in the end. I hope to start this game very soon.

I hope you've enjoyed looking at my geeky guilty collection. No doubt I'll have some more at some point in the future.