A Conversation for Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Just a Piece of Dead Wood

Post 1

Amos Oliver Doyle

Actually, Mrs. Curran stated that there was nothing mysterious about the Ouija Board. For her it was a thought dispeller and just a piece of dead wood. She stated that she heard Patience Worth speaking in her head and dictated letter by letter the early writing from Patience which included perhaps her most famous novels,'The Sorry Tale', 'Hope Trueblood' and 'Telka'. Some of her poems are available at www.patienceworth.org and a discussion of Pearl and Patience and Emily Grant Hutchings and Mark Twain may be found at www.patienceworth.com.

Just a Piece of Dead Wood

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok Thanks for the further information - and the links! Much appreciated.

I kind of like her poems. smiley - smiley

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