A Conversation for Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Peer Review: A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Entry: Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels - A87837736
Author: Dmitri Gheorgheni - U1590784

Have you ever written a poem with one of those fridge-magnet sets?

Did you feel an unseen hand guiding you from The Great Beyond? Perhaps the spirit of WB Yeats...?

This is a brief introduction to the history of Ouija board-composed novels.

smiley - dragon

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

This is very good, Dmitri. There's only one thing I think it needs. You quote some guy who says that a little heart-shaped piece of wood on wheels is known as a ouija board. It's worth footnoting that he is in fact describing the planchette and that the board is the part with the letters on which the planchette sits.

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok That's an excellent thought. Thanks, I'll do that!

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 4


This is a great article. smiley - smiley Though I'm seceptical. smiley - laugh

Although you say in the second paragraph that novels/poems composed with the help of a ouija board have won literary prizes, you didn't say which ones. It might not be relevant to your article but I'm intrigued.

I can just about imagine using them for poetry, because it might introduce a random element - words that the poet wouldn't have thought of consciously.

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I think your assessment of the board's possible value to poetry is spot on, MVP. smiley - smiley

James Merrill won the National Book Circle Critics' Award (US) in 1983 for 'Sandover', and a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for 'Divine Comedies', which contained some Ouija work.

WB Yeats didn't use a Ouija board, but his wife did. Apparently, the poet availed himself of some of her automatic writing, though.

Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes apparently used a Ouija board together. She wrote a poem about it, which you may hear read eerily here:


So it's possible the Ouija was involved in Plath's Pulitzer, which was awarded posthumously - as, allegedly, predicted by the evil board. smiley - winkeye

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 6


Thanks Dmitri. smiley - smiley

Perhaps I should get one. Then, when I say I'm talking to the spirits, people won't think smiley - stiffdrink

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl You'd be in good company.

A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 8


Excellent entry!

I've got nothing further to add or comments to make, but I may as well mention that there's an entry on Sylvia Plath in the Flea Market: A946578 / F74125?thread=181419 should anyone wish to rescue it.


A87837736 - Ghostwriters at Work: Patience Worth, Mark Twain, and Ouija Board Novels

Post 9

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok Plath scholars, go to work!

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Post 11


smiley - applausesmiley - ghostPerfectly spooky time of year for this to leave Peer Review too.smiley - pumpkin


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Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly

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Post 13


smiley - bubbly well done

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Post 14

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks, folks. smiley - smiley

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