June Create: A Look Back at the 20th Century

2 Conversations

We're citizens of the 21st Century now. Most of us are immigrants – we arrived from that other century, the 20th. But believe it or not, there are actually teenagers who never wrote a date starting with '19--'. They also don't know why we were all afraid of our computers on 31st December 1999.


  • What do you think of the Old Century?
  • Was it mostly good, or bad?
  • Which parts were best, which worst?
  • What were the high and low points for you?
  • Were you excited by rock and roll, intrigued by the discoveries of modern physics, or angry at Mrs Thatcher's policies?
  • Did you have a favourite decade?
  • If you could take a Tardis trip back, where would you go?
  • The saying goes 'if you remembered the sixties you weren't there', but what do you remember, real or imagined?
  • Share your thoughts, memories, researches, oral histories, and pictures with us, either in the Post, or the Edited Guide. We really want to know: what is your verdict on the last 100 years?

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