A Conversation for Oddity of the Week: Tornado Alley
Good job!
Willem Started conversation Apr 28, 2014
I mean, having software to track tornados up to the second! That could save lots of lives I'm sure.
Good job!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 28, 2014
agree it's helpful. <smiley. It also makes for odd TV.
Good job!
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Apr 28, 2014
Then there are those nutty pilots who fly right into then and look down the eye to see where the hurricanes track. Not my cup of tea for sure. There were 17 fatalities in Arkansas this week and one in Texas or Oklahoma. Thank heavens we seem to be in a protective pocket where we are at and though we get some heavy winds---no funnel clouds in the last 8 years.
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Good job!
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