April Create: Talking about the Weather

3 Conversations

We've been having extraordinary weather of late. In the UK gale force winds and floods, in the USA ice and snow as far south as Louisiana and, in Australia, a record-breaking heatwave.

Don't we love talking about the weather? When we think of going on holiday, we ask if it’s likely to be hot, and if we’re planning a wedding, we discuss the chance of rain.

We want to draw on that obsession. We challenge you to write about the weather. We'd love more weather-related articles for the Edited Guide. There are some already,such as How to Predict the Weather Via Cloud Formations and Groundhog Day but there are plenty of other possibilities, like the history of meterology, the measurement of weather, or the effect of monitoring from space on our understanding of climate.
We also welcome personal accounts, poems and stories about floods, heatwaves, or even pleasant spring days. The choice is yours.

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