A Conversation for Manchester Meet 7th June 2014

General Chatter

Post 41

Titania (gone for lunch)

There have been Americans on h2g2 from the very start - just look at the 5-digit researcher number of Witty and BG smiley - envy

General Chatter

Post 42


There's a *lot* of Americans on h2g2, Americans make up for 33% of the total visitors to the site while people from the UK only make up 30%. So while we promote (but not enforce) UK English in the Guide itself, and the humour here has a certain "Britishness" to it, the idea that we're UK Centric is laughable smiley - biggrin

General Chatter

Post 43


Manchester was totally awesome. smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

General Chatter

Post 44


*You* were awesome! smiley - cheers

General Chatter

Post 45


No, *you* were awesome.

You guys should really come back the redwoods miss you.

General Chatter

Post 46


We could have a meet in Manchester CA, and double the population!

Okay, obviously I need to go back to sleep now.

General Chatter

Post 47


I'd love to come back to California and see you guys! It was definitely the best holiday I've had!

General Chatter

Post 48


Tunnel 1 is repaired, for further incentive.

General Chatter

Post 49

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Manchester CA? Intriguing! And a repaired tunnel? *very clueless*

But best of all: A Happy Nerd smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

General Chatter

Post 50

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Happy Nurd! smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

As to 'first Texan at a meet, in the UK'.... depends; Does Gosho count as a Texen? (I think* that's where he's living, but of course, origionally from the UK; he was at the Skanky meet, in... err... er... er... Torquay, knew I@d remember the name of the palce eventually smiley - laughsmiley - blush ) smiley - geek

I'm still annoyed I never made it to the last, or last two, or whoever many there has been, Manchester meets... I was... a bit tied up at the time, I think smiley - ermsmiley - whistle

General Chatter

Post 51


smiley - bigeyes There was a Meet in Turkey ?!

General Chatter

Post 52

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yeh... yeh... the one* time I spel soemthing korectly! smiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - zen

General Chatter

Post 53

Baron Grim

Oh, I'd forgotten that Gosho went to the Skanky meet. But yeah, he's not a native Texan so I'll still count it. smiley - winkeye

I'll be the first with a Texas accent.

General Chatter

Post 54

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Goshos accent is great... YOu'd never guess he'd ever* left London smiley - laughsmiley - weird
I'm not sure which accet I'll bring to the meet... probably a pirate one, as it always seems to end up sounding 'pirate' whichever accet I try to do smiley - laughsmiley - pirate

General Chatter

Post 55

Witty Moniker

It will be interesting to see if BG and I will be able to understand each other. smiley - winkeye

By the way, nobody here ever says 'Joisey'.

General Chatter

Post 56


Oh Wow!! Accents! smiley - biggrin

I love Witty's accent, and Happy Nerd's, and now we get to hear a real live Texan accent smiley - biggrin

General Chatter

Post 57


Texas is weak, Gosho's accent is strong. Texas hasn't put a dent in Gosho's accent. During the time Gosho has been in Texas, there's been a statistically significant regional increase in the production and consumption of real beer.

General Chatter

Post 58

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Lets face it; I guess, that since Gosho has been there, the Texus accent, has, itself, taken on many characteristics of Goshos accent... He's like the king of Texus really, lets face it smiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovel Not worthy! smiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovel

General Chatter

Post 59

Baron Grim

Heehee... Someday he may find thind this threa and it'll all go to his head, which will then become as big as Texas. smiley - laugh

General Chatter

Post 60

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I can feel his presence.... lurking over our shoulder, like a giant benevelent force of greatness and accent smiley - zensmiley - silly

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