A Conversation for Smudger Snippets: It's Only When

Leaves a cuddle...

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

... smiley - cuddle

Please keep us updated Smudger.

I send heartfelt good wishes to you both smiley - smooch

lil x

Leaves a cuddle...

Post 2


Ah! cheers for that, much appreciated, smiley - ok

Well, she is on the mend now, speech is improving, as is use of her right arm, so improvements all round. smiley - winkeye

I'm in the process of planning laying a hard wood floor in our bedroom, and have arranged for the flooring to be laid next weekend, so I have all the furniture to move out before then.

Our G/son gave me a hand today, and he was a great help, so we have all of next week to move the rest. Thanks again for your concern.

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Leaves a cuddle...

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It's good to know there have been significant improvements smiley - hug

I'm sure she will appreciate all the hard work you and your grandson will be doing on her behalf smiley - ok

Just remember to get plenty of rest yourself, you will still be very needed once your wife comes home smiley - smiley

lil x

Leaves a cuddle...

Post 4


Hi lil, many thanks for your post, Mk2 has been at home for a while, but I still think it was too early, but they short of beds?

I'm still moving things out from the bedroom preparing for the wooden floor going down this week-end, with help from one of the extended familysmiley - ok

Its going to make such a difference, as it will be a lot easier to keep clean, and less dust for her lungs to take in, thanks again.

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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