A Conversation for August Create Challenge: Stranger Song
Blimey - You were quick
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Started conversation Aug 18, 2013
It was only the other day we were talking about this.
Thank you for bringing back some memories.
I've not listened to Leonard Cohen in a good number of years.
Not since the days of black eyeliner.
Might need to rectify that.
Blimey - You were quick
cactuscafe Posted Aug 18, 2013
heheh, yes, ah the black eyeliner. . Takes me back. Except I never wore it. Just eye shadow. Ohmigod. Let's not remember.
. Black eyeliner looked so cool though.
Leonard Cohen is on tour right now. Amazing, he's over 70. He's playing in Brighton soon, but I can't make it. wah. Seen him live a few times though.
Yes, , I know. I take years to get over nerves about contributing, now I'm in there all eager and early.
. You'll have to pay me to go away.
Or mention blue eye shadow.
Blimey - You were quick
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Aug 23, 2013
Just bought some black eyeliner - I might be a bit old, but I don't care. I'm the 'Loony on the Bus*' anyway.
I'll dig out some Leonard later...
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxXgdhj7qnk
Still love Roy Harper...
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Blimey - You were quick
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