A Conversation for A (Personal) History of Flight
Peanut Started conversation Jun 3, 2013
between Florida Sailer and Florida Flyer, can't have been an easy decision, what swung it for you?
I enjoyed reading about your personal experiences
I'd put up with an hour or two of hard sell for a meal and a flight but we only get offered a glass of wine and nibbles
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Jun 3, 2013
Great story Florida Sailor! on your newspaper entries on the FP as well. Don't forget to resubscribe to it to get your fan mail.
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Jun 4, 2013
Thank you Peanut
I think the biggest thing that swayed me was that I realized that I could not live on an aeroplane, but I could on a sailboat. A few years later I did, for about 10 years. No great stories there, but a few little ones might pop out from time to time
Thank you Electra, I did miss this one.
Peanut Posted Jun 4, 2013
That is a very good reason
I'll keep on the look out for any little stories that might pop up.
While I'm here, well done on your Front Page Entry
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