A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Why Do You Write?
Why did you write this?
minorvogonpoet Posted May 13, 2013
For me writing is a form of personal power.
It helps me to express my feelings and to make sense of a world that often seems nonsensical. This particularly applies to poetry - I've often written poems to work through a question in my mind.
It helps me be the best I can be, because it's the one thing I feel I have some talent for, the one thing that makes me more than a little housewife.
Why did you write this?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted May 13, 2013
Hey, cool insights, both! Thanks!
We write because people need to read it.
We also write to work things out in our heads.
And maybe we write because words are the tools humans use to control their environment.
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