Top 14 Most Popular Entries

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Broadly speaking we've discovered our readers like answers. They like to read Entries that are written in a clear and helpful way, that also include interesting facts and personal anecdotes.

So, while we may find, on Sunday mornings, that lots of people read how to cook eggs, throughout the rest of the week the spread of entries is wider. They range from simple solutions to everyday problems, such as how to cure a sore throat, to reading in-depth entries on quadratic equations. Some, such as the entry about learning recorder, make this Ed think of exasperated parents trying to help their primary age child with some homework.

We're providing valuable information for students and those with individual interests in our Entries such as 'The Neolithic Revolution', 'Life in the Trenches' and 'Raspberry pi'. We're not sure which category 'Farm Animals and their Names' goes into, but it sure does get a lot of readers.

We are alarmed and startled in equal measure by how very many people need to know about 'Classic Poisons' and just how many people google 'creatures in my flour'.

We're also delighted to be the go-to Entry for household safety, in terms of bathroom chemicals, fitting electrical plugs and preventing static.

Latin graces and Latin phrases are ever popular, but just slightly beaten in the stats by people searching for anglo-saxon insults.

So, if you're thinking about writing for the Guide, take heart, your arcane subject matter may be just the thing that is needed. We also need more Entries on domestic matters. Now that h2g2 will be archived by the British Library, your writing will be preserved for future generations to access and discover how Life, the Universe and Everything used to be.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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